Now, don’t read that title the wrong way – I absolutely love blogging and having a creative outlet to share the things that inspire me on a daily basis. When I started this little adventure, I never thought I would take breaks from posting because I knew I could write and publish from anywhere. But as vacations came and went, I realized that it was either a burden to post while away or I just flat out didn’t do it. As I’ve been planning for Christmas break, I decided to be realistic and give myself the freedom to really shut down.
I’ve very fortunate that my day job has a generous holiday policy – we have from the 22nd – the 2nd off. And I’m taking a couple extra days too. So, Wednesday will be my last day of work until the New Year and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have a real Christmas break!
The Christmas Break Plan
I’ll be starting by hitting Atlanta for a few days to see friends before we all disperse to our families. Then, I’ll head to Gainesville, Florida where my mom lives to stay with her for a few days. Finally, I’ll head back to Chicago early for a few quiet days at home before 2019 hits and it’s back to normal.1
This year, I’ve been making self-care and my mental health a priority and as part of that effort, I will not be blogging at all (or making Etsy orders either) after today through the 7th of January! It seems like such a long time, but I know there are a hundred things I can do between now and then. Here are ten things high on my list that I’ll share with you …
My Christmas Break Top Ten List
1. Read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
I shared a list of 9 books I have on my wish list to read, but this one’s at the top, so I’ll start with it.
2. Go to Miracle on Highland
The holiday pop-up bar chain, Miracle, has a few locations in Atlanta. Last year, we went to Miracle on Monroe (it was the only one open at the time). This year, we’re heading to the one at Parish. Atlanta friends, if you follow along on Instagram, I’m sure I’ll share some story updates while I’m there!
3. Visit with old coworkers
I was very close with my coworkers in Atlanta and still visit when I’m in town – 2.5 years later. Later this week, I’ll pop by the office and say hello to whoever is around!
4. Enjoy a meal outside
Because my mom lives on a golf course in Florida, it’s fun to grill our lunch and watch the players as they pass by. Outdoor dining is something I won’t get a chance to do for months in Chicago, so I’ll plan to soak that in next week.
5. Go for a hike
I’ve posted a lot about hiking this year. In an effort to focus on the things that make me happy, I’ve made sure to plan trips once a month or more. The hiking obviously isn’t great in Florida but there’s a cool sinkhole in the town my mom lives in called Devil’s Millhopper and we’ll hit that up one day.
6. See On The Basis of Sex
I love RBG and after watching the documentary on her earlier this year, I knew this would be a must-see. Mom and I will go for some girl-power vibes!
7. Put together a puzzle
Almost every time I’m with my mom we say we’re going to do a puzzle. Spoiler alert: we have yet to do one. This time I’m determined to make it happened – we have a cute pineapple and pool design that should be fun!
8. Take down Christmas decorations
Sad, I know, but I hate going into the New Year with Christmas décor still up and I find that if I don’t take it down pretty quickly, it might still be up in, say, April. One night when I’m back in Chicago, I’ll make a nice, cozy fire, open a bottle of red wine, and pack away the lights.
9. Work on my 2019 Bucket List
Every year I make a list of things to do. And each month, I check to make sure I’m getting most of them done. This year, I think I’ll only miss 2 or 3 items! I already have some ideas for next year, but I’ll work on finishing it up over break and will share it with you when I’m back. Comment below if you can think of any good ideas to add!
10. Pop a bottle of champagne at The Drake
I haven’t done a fancy New Year’s Eve party in years – like maybe 8?? Typically, I like a quiet night in, but some friends and I decided to go all out this year and head to the Drake for their party. Now I just need to find a sparkly dress!
I will definitely miss posting over this break, but know some down time will do me good. What do you plan to do over the Christmas break?
Sunday afternoon hike
Can’t wait!!